Courtesy of the pitchfork's newest 'ADD' segment, I've got a new huge crush in the musical world. Meet the blond one in the Vivian Girls (that would be the one with the guitar front and center). Now I know that probably every indi-rock head/ altbro on the planet probably has a crush on this chick by now. I, however, was somehow under the impression that all the members of this band were, well, homely (really tripping over myself trying to be PC right now). This is great because now I can really start to get into their undeniably catchy tunes. I wish I wasn't a chauvinistic pig, but I'm just trying to be straight up here. However, this places the blonde Vivian in direct competition with my other current faves:
Neko Case - Debatably attractive, but she's a flaming red-head and just dropped a killer new album.
Beth Murphy- Cute, bony, occasionally bespectacled keyboardist for Times New Viking whose girly bangs and tank top wearing make me swoon.
and finally ...
Sue Tompkins - Life Without Buildings sparkclub enchantress who I've never actually seen a reliable picture of. But just listen to the way she sing/shouts/coos "No details, but I'm gonna persuade you, the right stuff!" I go dizzy every time.
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